Monday, June 25, 2012

I have returned

After months of being silent, mainly because I was floundering.  I am  back and even more determined to be well.  I have learned some things along the way: 1, I am more severely allergic to all things gluten then I originally thought and 2, my gluten intolerance is probably more related to celiac disease then I thought.  I have not been tested but many of the symptoms I have had are related to CD.  Also I have found out of possible links in our family genetics with other autoimmune diseases that go along with CD.  But that is all I will say for now regarding that.

Good news, I have discovered some gluten free items that closely resemble their glutened counterparts.  I think that is the key to not feeling as though you have to miss out on so much good food.  I will also post more of this at a later time.  I hope what I have learned can help others and also the blogs and websites I have come across can be a resource for those who wonder why they feel like they but yet their doctor won't take them seriously.  

Don't go away folk because I will be back and give you more of my story very soon.  


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