Thursday, July 12, 2012

Vacationing Gluten Free

I did it, I vacationed and made it gluten free.  I made sure to pack snacks and treats to make it easier.  Our trip was to Anna Marie Island, and we stayed at Silver Surf.  I was excited to find an ice cream shop just right down that road that made gluten free ice cream.  And before you ask, ice cream can have gluten in it.   I think most store bought ice cream has it.  Its a cheap filler i'm sure.  Anyway, Joe's Ice Cream was delicious.  I was also excited to find a gluten free section in a Walmart in Bradenton.  I was wandering around and there it was right in from of me, and they had Schar pasta, which is really good. And glutino sandwich cookies.  I had a good time and other then travel fatigue I felt great.

I am not feeling extremely verbal today or literary so I will cut this short.  Have a great day and remember, eat safe and read those labels.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies


Its a scorching 100 degrees in Ft Wright, Ky.  And of all days I got a hankering for cookies.  Sooooo, I thought I am going to put Jules Gluten Free All Purpose Flower to the test.  I pull out my Betty Crocker  Cookbook and looked up peanut butter cookies.  I made it exactly how the recipe said except for one major detail.  I switched the flour I was using.  I pulled out my bag of Jules Gluten Free All Purpose Flour to see just how all purpose it was.  The result was a wonderful, delicious, tasty, absolutely delectable  and un-gluten free  tasting cookies.  And the look good too.  They held their form and even my husband said they tasted good.  I was very happy with the results.    Now I can enjoy a good cookie with my glass of Almond Milk.

Photo disclaimer: although I took this picture and it is mine to use, I do not claim to be a professional photographer so if the elements of the photo show mistakes, the lighting is all wrong, the subject isn't tilt its head just right or the shadows are in the wrong spots I can't help it.  Along with Gluten Intolerant I am Photography Illiterate and they don't make a diet for that.  Eat to your health and remember read those labels.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Two post's in one day, can you handle it.  I wanted to get back to you soon so that I could share some wonderful gluten free foods and a great resource for those just starting this journey or for those like me who have struggled to start.   I think its important to pass along great ideas to others.

First one on the list is this website,  Jules Shephard is a genius in my book.  She has some wonderful ideas and a great patent pending all purpose gluten free flour that is versatile for any recipe, whether making pie, cookies, bread, biscuits and on the list goes.   She also has a book, The First Year Celiac Disease and Living Gluten-Free, and I have found a lot of great insight by reading her book.  Let me tell you, do not be afraid of the title if you have not been diagnosed with Celiac Disease.  If you have non-celiac gluten sensitivity, this book will help you get on the road to wellness and eating the right foods.  And no she is not paying me to sing her praises.

Do you ever get a craving for a cookie?  And no, I am not talking about one that is bland, dry, gritty, leave an aftertaste in your mouth kind of cookie.  I am talking a cookie that tastes like you remember them tasting.  Jules Shepard also has a great cookie mix that will make about 60 cookies and they taste sooooo good.  The review from children, "they taste like regular cookies".  Can you get anymore certain that it must be good.  My kids have very discriminating taste buds, so when they say something is good, its good.  I thought they were absolutely delicious.  

Last but not least, pasta.  Up until last week, I had not found a pasta that was a good replacement.  I would fix a meal and make my portion with quinoa or rice pasta but it lacked something.  Spaghetti was just not the same.  I would leave the table not satisfied.  That is not longer true.  I have now found a great pasta that will work with any dish I need it for.  BiAglut pastamia is wonderful.  Taste, texture and it holds up even for reheating.  I made homemade mac-n-cheese and it was yummy.  I do want to add that if you or whoever you might be fixing this pasta for has a peanut allergy it is not recommended.  This pasta has the same protein in it that peanuts have so please be safe and read those labels.

That is my gluten free review for the day or week depending on how much time I have.  Remember what your dietary needs, don't short sell your health because its too hard.  Remember there is always someone else out there who has the same needs and if you look you will find them and you can support each other.  Have a wonderful day and eat to be healthy.

I have returned

After months of being silent, mainly because I was floundering.  I am  back and even more determined to be well.  I have learned some things along the way: 1, I am more severely allergic to all things gluten then I originally thought and 2, my gluten intolerance is probably more related to celiac disease then I thought.  I have not been tested but many of the symptoms I have had are related to CD.  Also I have found out of possible links in our family genetics with other autoimmune diseases that go along with CD.  But that is all I will say for now regarding that.

Good news, I have discovered some gluten free items that closely resemble their glutened counterparts.  I think that is the key to not feeling as though you have to miss out on so much good food.  I will also post more of this at a later time.  I hope what I have learned can help others and also the blogs and websites I have come across can be a resource for those who wonder why they feel like they but yet their doctor won't take them seriously.  

Don't go away folk because I will be back and give you more of my story very soon.